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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is the second largest medical system in the world, with over 300,000 practitioners treating over 200 million patients a year for both acute and chronic conditions. Homeopathy is a highly individualized system of healthcare that recognises you as a whole, complex person, rather than only acknowledging your symptoms. It can be used by the whole family to support physical, emotional and mental health.


Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic with only minute amounts of active ingredients which are generally considered safe to be used by all including babies, children, for women during pregnancy and for breast feeding mothers. It can be used by the whole family to support physical, emotional and mental health.

How does Homeopathy work?

The appropriate remedy is selected for you by your homeopath after carefully listening to you during your consultation and observing the unique way that a disease or illness is expressed by you.

Homeopathic remedies are created using substances from nature including plants, minerals and metals that, when administered in high doses to healthy people, produce symptoms that closely match what a patient is experiencing. When prepared homeopathically, and administered in very small, diluted doses, the remedies prompt the body and mind into action and promote the healing of the self.

The body and mind have an innate intelligence to heal themselves and we see this all around us. For example when someone falls and grazes their knee, the cells in the body go to work and produce a scab over the injury. Or when we are faced with times of trauma or great ordeal our survival instinct is activated. However, sometimes this ability to self-heal is compromised, often because of trauma, stress, suppression, pollution, toxins, inherited susceptibility, which causes us to feel unwell.

What to expect at your appointment

Your first appointment will take up to an hour and a half. I will take a full case history and ask a series of questions about your physical, mental and emotional health as well as your health history.


I will then prescribe a remedy for you with instructions on how to take this and discuss with you a plan and what to expect from taking homeopathy and how long it may take to begin feeling better. The follow up appointment will take up to one hour

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules
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